Maps of the Edge by Ian Creasey — collection details

Cover design by S P Wilcock
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Maps of the Edge contains seventeen SF stories, originally published in various magazines and anthologies, now collected in a single volume.

In "Erosion" (reprinted in three Year's Best anthologies), a cyborg road-tests his new body before leaving Earth for the stars.  "The Golden Record" sees future collectors competing to retrieve 20th century space probes.  In "The Hastillan Weed", conservationists fight an alien plant spreading across the English countryside.

The remaining tales range from post-apocalypse archaeology to galaxy-spanning bureaucracy, via wacky inventors and lovestruck corporations.  The collection concludes with an Afterword discussing the inspirations and background behind all the stories.

The table of contents is listed below.  (The original publication venues are noted in brackets; for further details, click the "info" links.)

Page last updated: 12 February 2016